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Camera Clinic and DSLR sensor cleaning in Naples, Florida Saturday, Nov. 4th
Please check out the webinar on Camera Care, by master camera technician, Isaac Hadid Copy this link to watch this MUST SEE VIDEO on camera care!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mguYpK1w_kQ Yes, we will be back in Naples Saturday, Nov. 4th for a camera care clinic offering professional sensor cleaning, free repair estimate and more! The clinic is hosted by Understand Photography, 2383 Linwood Ave in suite 302, Naples Fl. 34112. Start time is 8:30am on a first come, first serve ...
Hurricane is over, we are open for business AND WE NEED YOUR HELP
I hope all is well with all our customers effected by the hurricane. We are open at both locations, but still have minor issues with internet, employees dealing with personal issues with their homes, lack of gas, street lights effecting transportation etc. Our retail business came to a halt last week as Floridians were looking at a direct hit from the hurricane, so our customers were dealing with storm shutter, gas and other prep for the storm. Now we ...
We will be closed due to the hurricane approaching Miami until we can return safely
The Cat. 5 hurricane is approaching us as a direct hit on the Miami area. We will close today, Sept. 9th at 5pm and will return when we can get to work safely. Please call us at (305) 653-7355 or visit our web site for updates on when we will reopen. SPTS is like Fort Knox!! Solid concrete walls and roof, with solid steel doors and full service security systems. We also have $1m insurance policy for property ...
Please be advised that we will be closed this Saturday due to weather conditions in the Miami area and it is unknown as to when and where this storm will hit our area. We will continue normal business hours until 5pm Friday, Sept. 8th. We will assess any storm damage and we will not know if we will be open Monday, Sept. 11th or the days following. THE FOCUS CONVENTION IN ORLANDO HAS BEEN CANCELLED AND THE ...
Southern Photo is coming to the FPP Focus Convention Sept. 9th and 10th in Orlando Florida
YES!! We will have a factory trained technician at the Focus Convention providing professional DSLR sensor cleanings, free repair estimates and more this weekend at the (FPP) Focus Convention in Orlando. Visit http://areyouinfocus.com/ for more information of the FPP Focus Convention!! The hours for the Vendor Showcase where our technician will be on hand to assist you with all your service and repair needs is as follows. Sat. 9/9/2017 4:15pm-8:15pm Sun. 9/10/2017 8am-10:30am WHERE?: The Florida Hotel and Conference Center, 1500 Sand Lake Road, ...