Camera Clinic and DSLR sensor cleaning in Naples, Florida Saturday, Nov. 4th

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Please check out the webinar on Camera Care, by master camera technician, Isaac Hadid

Copy this link to watch this MUST SEE VIDEO on camera care!!

Yes, we will be back in Naples Saturday, Nov. 4th for a camera care clinic offering professional sensor cleaning, free repair estimate and more! The clinic is hosted by Understand Photography, 2383 Linwood Ave in suite 302, Naples Fl. 34112. Start time is 8:30am on a first come, first serve basis. Come early!! The end time is determined by when we run out of customers so please come early since we may end at 3-4pm. Isaac Hadid, a factory trained technician will be on-site for professional sensor cleaning, free repair estimates, technical support and more!! This event is hosted by our long time friend and professional photographer… Peggy Farren. Look her up on Facebook for photo shoots, photographic lesions, webinars and more!!

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